Shedhalle / Events / March 2010 / Thursday March 25, 6pm

Inventionen «Construire le Commun»

Event programme in cooperation with the Zurich University of the Arts, ZHdK
“Inventionen” is a newly launched series of double lectures updating post-structural theory. This series of public events is organised by the Vertiefung Theorie and the Institute for Critical Theory at the Zurich University of the Arts, in cooperation with the European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies, eipcp and Shedhalle Zurich. Concept: Roberto Nigro/Gerald Raunig. Details:, Program: Download PDF

Thursday 25 March 2010, 6pm:
“Construir le Commun” Roberto Nigro & Gerald Raunig (Zurich) / Judith Revel (Paris)

Shedhalle / Events / March 2010 / Friday March 19, 7pm

Ulu Braun: videostill “Südwest”
Ulu Braun: videostill “Südwest”

Exhibition Opening “Lands End. Landscape as image and space”
With a cooking performance by the guerilla gardener and cook Maurice Maggi, Zurich
Friday 19 March 2010, 7pm