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Shedhalle / Exhibitions / The F-Word / Exhibition Views

Installation view Ariane Anderggen (right), Alexandra Bachzetsis (back) und Nevin 
Aladağ (left), Foto: Susi Bodmer


Ariane Andereggen: S.A.W. - Myself as Popfeminist Artist, 2009-12 (Installation view), Foto: Susi Bodmer


Ariane Andereggen: S.A.W. - Myself as Popfeminist Artist, 2009-12 (Detail), Foto: Susi Bodmer

Michaela Melián: Sarah Schumann und Silvia Bovenschen, 2012 (Installation view) Foto: Susi Bodmer


Michaela Melián: Ignaz Guenther House, 2002 (Installation view Shedhalle 2012) Foto: Susi Bodmer


Alexandra Bachzetsis: Rehearsal (Ongoing), 2011 (Installation view Shedhalle 2012), Foto: Susi Bodmer


Nevin Aladağ: Leaning Wall, 2012 (Installation view) Foto: Susi Bodmer

Nevin Aladağ: Leaning Wall, 2012 (Installation detail) Foto: Susi Bodmer

Alexandra Bachzetsis: A Piece Danced Alone, Performance at Shedhalle, (May 11th, 2012)
