Alexander Tuchacek "Temporäre Präsenzen - Freie Energien"

Shedhalle / Exhibitions / Life Wire / Artists

Alexander Tuchacek (krcf): Temporäre Präsenzen - Freie Energien, 2011

Alexander Tuchacek (knowbotic research): Temporäre Präsenzen - Freie Energien, 2011


Temporäre Präsenzen – Freie Energien, 2011
participative event and audio installation

“Temporäre Präsenzen – Freie Energien” is a format based on dialogue realised as participatory event during the opening and presented as sound installation during the exhibition. This art project intends a kind of exo-academic generation of knowledge resulting from the dialogues of the participants. The artist programs and installs an autonomous mobile phone network to be used by participants he invited to assist and the audience attending the opening. The participants come from different areas of thinking and acting, debating and experimenting with regard to the topic ‘electricity and free energy’. In the exhibition room there are approximately 50 cards with questions like Whom does the electron bow to? and the telephone numbers needed. The private dialogues are recorded and, thus, constitute an archive showing the variety of the talks the participants had during the evening. After the ‘enactment’ of the project at the opening and during the exhibition, the audience can dial into the archive and listen to the conversations.
The dialogues are choreographed primarily according to points of view not related to physical aspects of electrical power and energy, nor the mode of operation, but they raise questions concerning energy and electricity with regard to the way these topics are construed by the media. Energy as mixed narration conditioned by culture, nature, society, and science, appealing to the imagination, generating longings and wishes. The project does not search for any truths nor does it try to find any specific solutions to energy problems, it intends to generate knowledge by narration. “Temporäre Präsenzen – Freie Energien” tries to create an opaque scene that makes the representation of the unfinished, the thinkable, or unprovable possible by having these narrations told anew, passed on, and rearranged in various new ways.

The participants:
Kijan Espahanghizi
Andreas Hellmann
Hans Lehner
Nils Roeller
Jan-Peter E.R. Sonntag
Thomas Speck

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Energy as mixed narration